
The Fifth Favor by Shelby Reed

Given my ambivalence about super-sexy books, I was surprised to buy a book from Ellora’s Cave. But if you’re going to write a book about a male escort, it makes sense to have a lot of sex scenes – I was hoping they would fit with the characters, more than they do in a lot of other erotic books.

The Fifth Favor by Shelby Reed
(2005, Contemporary) 4/20/09
Grade: 4

Billie is hoping to write a story about the notorious private club Avalon, where male escorts provide everything for wealthy female clients. But once she meets the mysterious Adrian, she wants to know more, and she can’t give up until she discovers the man behind the facade.

This book was most notable for its hero, Adrian. The author shows how his work has changed the way he thinks and acts, and his struggle to make sex more than just a meaningless job. At first, the book seemed too focused on sex (it made sense for the hero, but there were times when it seemed odd that the characters would have sex so often, when Adrian was trying to learn to relate on a non-sexual level.) The main weakness of the book was the heroine. She felt very “Mary Sue” – she’s not well rounded as a character, and her main role seemed to be to explain how great Adrian is. Because of that, I never really bought their great romance. But I had to give this book a slightly higher grade because the hero was so unique, and that made the book memorable, despite the weak heroine.

This is a book that I actually bought twice – once in ebook format, and then, when I found it too difficult to read as an ebook, I bought it (for full price!) in paperback form. Of course, it’s now selling used for a couple of dollars on Amazon. For the amount of money I spent on it, its too bad it wasn’t better.

Karen Wheless

I've been reading romance since I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss at age 12. I love all kinds of romances, especially emotional and angsty stories. I finally cut back my TBR pile from 2000 books to only 400, but I still have lots of books left to read!

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