
Blue Moon by Jill Marie Landis

After my last experience with Jill Marie Landis, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to try another one, but I decided to give this one a go…

Blue Moon by Jill Marie Landis
(1999, Western)  6/18/12
Grade: 4

Olivia Bond is running through the swamps of Illinois, escaping from a terrible past, when she is rescued by Noah LeCroix.  Noah has made a life for himself away from civilization, where he won’t be rejected for his Indian heritage and his scarred face.  But with Olivia, he finds a reason to love again – if he can free her from the nightmares of her past.

Well written and a pleasure to read!  I finished this book in just one day.  The setting was vivid and unusual, and the characters were well written.  I appreciated the role reversal (the hero is the virgin and the heroine is experienced) and that Olivia’s past wasn’t seen as something she needs to be “forgiven” for, but as part of her life that made her what she was.  There were a few issues here and there – there was a stretch in the middle that was a little boring, and the lisping cute kids were a bit grating – but overall, this was a very enjoyable read.  It’s been a while since I read an American romance that was this good.

It’s always surprising to me that American historicals are so out of fashion these days, when there are so many interesting settings that haven’t been explored.  (Who knew there were swamps in Illinois?) 

Karen Wheless

I've been reading romance since I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss at age 12. I love all kinds of romances, especially emotional and angsty stories. I finally cut back my TBR pile from 2000 books to only 400, but I still have lots of books left to read!

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