
Confessions from an Arranged Marriage by Miranda Neville

Sometimes I think I’m getting jaded, that I’ve read so many romances that nothing can excite me any more.  It’s great to see a relatively new author who can write a classic story and do it so well!

Confessions from an Arranged Marriage by Miranda Neville
(2012, Regency Historical)  1/9/13
Grade: 4.5

Minerva Montrose has plans to marry an aspiring politician and become a political wife – but her plans are ruined when she is caught with Lord Blakeney, who is well known for caring for nothing but horses and frivolity.  But they decide to make the best of their marriage.  Miranda decides she can make Blakeney into the husband she wants – but Blake is hiding a secret that might upend their promising relationship.

The last few books I’ve read have been unconventional romances.  This story is much more conventional – but it was still completely enjoyable.  This book shows that a well constructed story and well written characters can still surprise and delight, even in 2012.  Blake’s “secret” was fairly predictable (almost a cliché by this point in romance) but the political setting was unusual, and the characters made the traditional story come alive.  Even the love scenes felt special, not just the same-old-same-old.  One of the best books of 2012.  

When I first started reading this, I was still caught up in my last book and wasn’t expecting much.  But this book pulled me in and I finished it in less than a day!  This was almost a keeper. 

Karen Wheless

I've been reading romance since I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss at age 12. I love all kinds of romances, especially emotional and angsty stories. I finally cut back my TBR pile from 2000 books to only 400, but I still have lots of books left to read!

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