
Whispers of Heaven by Candice Proctor

Another book from my TBR – I enjoyed some of Candice Proctor’s other books, but this one left me a bit cold.

Whispers of Heaven by Candice Proctor
(2000, Victorian Australia)  9/22/12
Grade: 3.5

After studying in England, Jesmond Corbett has returned to her family home in Tasmania.  She is supposed to marry her neighbor, Harrison, but she finds herself attracted to convict Lucas Gallagher, who works as her groom.  Lucas was transported to Australia after fighting for Irish independence, and his only hope is escape – but he develops an unexpected passion for Jessie, even though the both know their love is doomed.

This book had a lot of promise.  It’s unusual to read a historical set in Australia, and the author did a great job in evoking the time and place.  But I found myself somewhat bored by the romance.  It seemed passionate on the surface, but I kept putting down the book and having to force myself to continue.  Even the story of Lucas’s tragic past left me unmoved.  I can’t explain why this book didn’t work for me, but it was just a disappointment.

This book received glowing reviews, so I was surprised I found it so hard to read.  Maybe I was just in the wrong mood, or maybe it just didn’t hold up 12 years later. 

Karen Wheless

I've been reading romance since I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss at age 12. I love all kinds of romances, especially emotional and angsty stories. I finally cut back my TBR pile from 2000 books to only 400, but I still have lots of books left to read!

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